No-Bake Cookies Work… So do No-Time Health Strategies 😊

For years, we have lived under this false pretense that we have to invest a lot of time and energy into our nutrition and exercise to see results. But, let's challenge that notion.

Small, consistent changes make a world of difference! Just imagine the impact of adding a brisk walk in the hallway at work. Yes, it's that simple. You don't have to overhaul your life to experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

The journey to fitness isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Every little step counts, and before you know it, these small changes accumulate into significant results. So, start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.

Now, here is my interest: health strategies that take no extra time. Or, if they do require some amount of time, it is a short amount that values quality over quantity. Today I am going to share with you my top 10 time efficient health strategies that have truly transformed how we get results. Remember, results come with consistency. And to be consistent, we need easy to implement strategies.

  1. 10-Minute Strength Training Routines. A study published in The Journal of Physiology discovered that short bursts of high-intensity resistance training, as little as 10 minutes a day, can result in similar muscular and metabolic improvements as traditional prolonged endurance training. This includes enhancing insulin sensitivity, losing fat, and gaining lean muscle mass.

  2. 1-Minute Mindset Sessions. A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania suggests that a mere 1 minute of focused, mindful meditation can help reduce feelings of stress and improve mood. Additionally, research published in Behaviour Research and Therapy indicates that just a minute of positive visualization, where you mentally rehearse a desired outcome or goal, can boost confidence, improve performance, and reduce anxiety.

  3. Practice Gratitude. On a biological level, gratitude releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions. These neurotransmitters enhance our mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being. A study in the journal "Psychology Today" found that consistently grateful people exhibit lower levels of depression and stress, showcasing the positive impact of gratitude on our mental health. Another study in the American Journal of Cardiology discovered a correlation between gratitude and heart health, with patients expressing gratitude showing signs of improved heart rate variability.

  4. Leaning Into A Community. When we are part of a group sharing the same goals, it pushes us to strive harder, to not give up. Even on days when our spirit wavers, knowing that there are others who are on the same path, facing the same struggles, can give us the push to keep going. In addition, a community provides a platform for sharing tips, strategies, and experiences, making our journey not just more efficient, but also more enriching.

  5. Stand More. When working, try to stand instead of sitting. This simple change can improve your posture and increase your total daily energy expenditure. Recent scientific studies have shed light on the enormous health benefits of simply standing more. According to research from the Mayo Clinic, standing burns more calories than sitting, which can contribute to weight loss and increased energy levels. More than that, standing has been linked to lower risks of heart disease and diabetes. This doesn't mean you have to spend your entire day on your feet, but incorporating more standing into your routine, such as by using a standing desk or making phone calls standing up, can make a significant difference. Remember - small changes, big impact! So, stand up for your health!

  6. Hydrate. Keep a water bottle at your desk to remind yourself to drink regularly. The importance of staying hydrated cannot be overstated. Water is essential to our survival and daily functioning. Numerous studies highlight the multitude of health benefits associated with drinking water regularly. For example, research published in the European Journal of Nutrition indicated that hydration is crucial for maintaining optimal brain function, influencing mood, memory, and focus. Moreover, a 2016 study from the Annals of Family Medicine affirmed that individuals who consumed more water had a significantly decreased likelihood of suffering from high blood sugar, contributing to the prevention of diabetes. Water also aids in digestion, preventing constipation, and supporting kidney function. Not to mention, keeping yourself well-hydrated can contribute to skin health, adding to your glow.

  7. Stretch. Take a moment to stretch your body every hour. This can be done while reading an email or during a meeting. A study published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation found that participants who performed regular stretching exercises experienced less pain and stiffness, improved function, and reduced physical stress. Meanwhile, research from the Journal of Gerontology revealed that seniors who incorporated stretching into their exercise routines were less likely to suffer from limitations in physical function. Moreover, stretching has positive effects on our mental wellness, too. It can help to release tension, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.

  8. Go for Walk-Talks. Have your meetings or discussions while walking, if possible. This ensures you get your steps in without setting aside extra time. A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that walking at a brisk pace for at least 150 minutes a week can increase life expectancy by up to 3.4 to 4.5 years. Furthermore, The National Walkers’ Health Study reported that regular walking could reduce the risk of cardiac events by 31% and cut the risk of dying by 32%. These benefits were equally robust in men and women. Walking also helps in maintaining a healthy weight, controlling blood pressure, and enhancing mental well-being, all of which contribute to a longer, healthier life.

  9. Portion Control. Use smaller plates and bowls to naturally reduce portion sizes without feeling deprived. The 'Delboeuf illusion,' a well-documented psychological phenomenon, posits that people tend to misjudge the size of identical items when placed in different-sized circles. In the context of eating, if you put the same quantity of food on a larger plate, it appears smaller and less satisfying, leading you to serve and consume more. On the other hand, the same amount of food appears larger and more filling on a smaller plate, causing you to eat less. A study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research found that people who used larger tableware ended up serving themselves 16% more food, leading to a substantial increase in calories consumed.

  10. Deep Breathing. Practice deep breathing for a few minutes daily. It helps reduce stress and keeps you calm. According to a research published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, deep and slow respiration can lower blood pressure and promote feelings of calm and well-being, reducing stress and anxiety. It can also increase alertness and oxygen flow, improving concentration and energy levels. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology revealed that breathwork can effectively alleviate symptoms of depression. Furthermore, it's a natural painkiller as it releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that improve mood and provide pain relief. Best of all, breath work can be done anywhere, at any time, without needing special equipment or a lot of space - making it an incredibly accessible health strategy for everyone.

Optimal health is available to us by doing the things that are easily accessible. Over the past year, I am creating my programs which follow the principle of Less is More. Just last week, we launched our 31 Days of FIT program which features 10-Minute Workouts and 1-Minute Mindset Topics. The feedback has been overwhelmingly amazing.

31 Days of FIT is the program you enter as you prepare for Transform® 7.0, which starts on January 8th. If you are looking to work smarter, not harder this year and also enjoy optimal health, we would love to welcome you into our Transform® Community. We are enrolling through January 7th. The beauty is that when you join now, you get to meet your community and start working with me right away.

Hope to see you there. You can check out all the details for Transform® 7.0 HERE.

Talk Soon!




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